
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stampin' Up! Weekend

I had quite a stamping weekend! A couple demonstrator friends and I went to the Chicago suburbs to a meeting Thursday night. The bonus for us was that we stayed with another demonstrator friend that we don't get to see very often. We had a great time together, got some good stamping ideas and hit the IKEA store on the way home. We got back to Champaign with enough time to turn around and go to our post-convention ImPECKable Stampers meeting. Those of us who attended convention shared our favorite moments, demonstrated some of the new things we saw at convention and did a fun make-n-take. Then on Saturday, I came home and went to a 2nd grader's birthday party. The 8 girls made purses with the birthday girl's favorite colors and got to fill it with goodies when they were done. I thanked the hostess for helping me "warm up" for next week when school starts.

Here's a peek at the birthday party purse and at my swap. For the swap I used my new stamp set, Just Believe, which I received free at convention.

1 comment:

  1. The purse is sooooooo cute! I love the colors :)
