
Monday, January 17, 2011


Congratulations to Val W for winning my 10,000K blog candy!  Val please email me your address and I will get your prize on the way!  Here's Val's comment "Congratulations on all the hits on your blog. I've been visiting your blog for awhile now. I have it bookmarked on my computer. I use mostly SU products, so I like visiting blogs that show cards made with SU items. I like to see cards made with sets I have, or that I can make substituting another of my sets into it. Thanks for the inspiration and ideas your share!"

Thanks to Val and all of the rest of you for your nice comments.  I enjoyed hearing from the ladies I know and also from people across the country.  It was so much fun to read your comments that I may have to have blog candy again before 20,000K ;-)  Thanks to all of you for visiting my blog!

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