
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Betsy's Blossoms Scrapbook Page for Tonight

This layout was designed with a January 2011 C K Sketch as my inspiration.  I liked this layout because it allowed for fairly big pictures and allowed for several on the page.  You might be wondering about flowers and NYC pictures together - - and the clever title.  Those pictures are just barely tacked down and the letters are attached to the photos. So after my vacation, they are coming out and all I have to do is drop in some new pictures and voila - two pages done!  But it was just too hard to visualize without some pictures so I pulled out some extra, unused photos from a trip taken back in the days of developing film.  I knew I needed to keep them for some reason ;-)

1 comment:

  1. AHHH this is super cute...I wish I were there so I could make it :(
